Thank you so much for offering on one of our properties or contracts.  We are looking forward to working with you.  For those of you that haven’t purchased with us before here is a quick run down of how we work and how we differ from a typical transaction.

  • All you need to do to submit an offer is to fill out the form below. We will fill out the paperwork only if you are accepted.
  • We will use the standard realtor form Real Estate Purchase Contract with the necessary addendums.
  • The main differences between us and a transaction done with a realtor are these
    1. No due diligence. All offers must be made without any contingencies and a $5,000 nonrefundable deposit
    2. Buyer (you) pays both sides of the title fees. What we mean by that is that in a typical cash transaction the seller will pay for the owners title policy then each party will pay their fee to the title officer for closing them.  We ask that you factor into your price paying for the owners title policy and for both sides of the standard title fees.  
    3. Time frames and inspections.
      • We like to move as quickly as possible. We have buyers that have closed in as soon as 1-2 days.  We typically allow up to 2 weeks for closings. 
      • We try to limit the total walk through’s to 2 on the property so in addition to the information provided here please fit all at the property inspections into one of the 2 windows that we will have scheduled if it is an occupied home.
      • For Vacant Homes Our typical time frame looks like this:
        • Business Day 1. The day you get the email.
        • Business Day 2. The date of the first showing
        • Business Day 3 The date of our second showing. We try to do one during work hours and one out of work hours but can’t always accommodate those times.
        • Business Day 4-5. Take the highest and best offer that meets our guidelines

Make sure to submit your highest and best here.  We typically do not go back to everyone and re ask for their highest and best, what you send here we assume is it.  The only exception to that is if we have multiple qualified offers that all fall in nearly the same.  

When we review the offers we will work with the highest qualified offer until they have deposited their $5,000.  At that point we will notify all other offers that they were not selected for this one and that we will come back to you if things don’t work out.  

Thank you again and looking forward to working with you!

Submit Offer
  • Answers go into a combined database so we need to know which property you're offering on.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY